Chairman Dennis Richards called the regular meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. in the conference room of the Adams Township Municipal Building.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present.
Those in attendance were Supervisors Dennis Richards, Dennis Gdula, Dan Senft, Brian Schrader and Mark Bucci; William Barbin, Solicitor; Jennifer Zakraysek, Secretary, and seven (7) visitors.
Mr. Richards stated now the Public has the right and the opportunity to comment on any item from the previous meeting minutes. None was forthcoming.
Mr. Richards stated everyone had a copy of the October 22, 2018 meeting. He asked all Board members to read the minutes. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the minutes presented. Mr. Gdula made the motion, second by Mr. Schrader. With all in favor, motion passed.
After discussion, Mr. Richards stated the Treasurers Report was accepted as read. The General Account Fund showed revenues received totaling $ 86,054.52 expenditures of $ 151,433.86(check # 29823 to #29857) and a balance of $467,432.25. The Street Light Account Fund showed revenues received of $ 420.00 and expenditures of $4,898.42 (check #1453 to #1455) and a balance of $10,410.85. The Fire Protection and Fire Hydrant Fund showed revenues received for the hydrants of 141.75and protection of $318.16 and expenditures of $ 731.40 (check #1191 to #1193) and a balance of $16,566.56. The State Liquid Fuels Account Fund showed revenues of $180.49 in interest and expenditures of $288,945.59 (check #774 to #775) leaving a balance of $189,291.56.
A letter from the Cambria County Planning Commission regarding Forest Hills Drive subdivision.
A letter from The Eads Group regarding Highland Sewer and Water Authority Water Storage Tank Modifications and Distribution system replacement.
A letter from State House of Representatives concerning Barbin’s lease.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve 2019 General Fund Budget for 1,738,980.00 and State Liquid Fuels Budget for $455,461.00. Mr. Gdula made the motion, seconded by Mr. Senft. With all in favor, motion approved.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the 2019 Tax Resolution. He stated that there are no changes. Mr. Bucci made the motion, seconded by Mr. Schrader. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked if the Board had any other old business they would like to discuss. None was forthcoming.
Payment of the Bills: Mr. Richards stated all Board Members have a copy of the bills presented for payment totaling $113,981.01 and asked them to take a few minutes to review the bills before calling for a motion to approve payment of the bills. Mr. Bucci made the motion to pay all bills. Mr. Gdula seconded this motion. With all in favor, motion passed. The bills are as follows: GENERAL FUND: Adams Water…81.00,Cambria Cty Building Codes….330.00,Comcast…600.82, Conemaugh…47.00, Crystal Pure…45.30,Cumberland…780.19,Eads Grp…8,330.32,E.Pentrack…30.00,Elite Coatings…3,500.00,FisherAuto…37.22,ForestHillsMunicipal…117.00,Freedom…337.00,G.Costlow…1,850.00,Greens…..2,396.65,Groff…968.38,HRI…18,630.40,Impala….78.00,J.Ritko…30.00,J.Nibert…30.00,Jtwn Tribune…112.50,Long Barn..68.77,LutherPMiller…3,536.84,M.Glosser…367.50,M.Dobransky…102.00,Memorial Chevy…1,221.25,Palyocsik…7.98,P.Webb…35.00,Penelec…777.10,PAOneCall…25.16,P.Helsel…30.00,Pitney Bowes…197.76,R.Webb…30.00,R.Young..30.00,Staples…59.99,Stephson…1,076.77,1stSummit…3,155.32,SWIF…1,629.00,Teamsters….15,945.84,The Tire Shop…218.00,Trappuzzanos…249.98, Tri County…313.33,US Cleaning…583.00,VISA…1,102.78,WB Mason…41.97.The State Liquid Fuels Fund: Am.Rock Salt…18,503.18,Grannas Bros….20,788.51. The Street Light Account Fund: Penelec…4,791.16, J. Blanchetti…12.60. The Fire Hydrant and Protection Fund: J. Blanchetti…9.54, J. Blanchetti…4.25, Highland…727.03.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve Berwind Corporation subdivision on Forest Hills Drive as approved by Planning Commission. Mr. Schrader made the motion, seconded by Mr. Gdula. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve agreement between the Adams Township Supervisors and The Eads Group for Phase 5 of the Creslo Sidewalk project. Mr. Senft made the motion, seconded by Mr. Bucci. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the Resolution 2018-A1113 of the Adams Township Board of Supervisors adopting written procedures in how professional services are chosen for Pension Plans in order to comply with Act 44 and the Auditor General’s recommendation. Mr. Gdula made the motion, seconded by Mr. Bucci. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked if the Board had any other new business they would like to discuss. None was forthcoming.
Mrs. Linda Scullion about tires on adjacent property. Mr. Bucci and Mr. Gdula answered her concerns.
Mr. Steve Paluch regarding gas lines and drainage issues in his area. Mr. Bucci and Mr. Gdula answered him and said they would make the necessary contacts pertaining to his concerns.
Mr. and Mrs. Baker about ongoing sewage concerns on neighboring property. Mr. Gdula addressed their concerns.
Mr. Richards stated with no other township business to conduct he would entertain a motion to adjourn. Mr. Schrader made the motion, second by Mr. Senft. With all in favor, motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 5:26 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted:
Jennifer Zakraysek, Secretary-Treasurer