Chairman Dennis Richards called the regular meeting to order at 5:00pm in the conference room of the Adams Township Municipal Building.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present.
Those in attendance were Supervisors, Dennis Richards, Dennis Gdula, Brian Schrader, Dan Senft and Mark Bucci, Jennifer Zakraysek, Secretary-Treasurer, William Barbin, Solicitor, Police Chief Kirk Moss, and six (6) visitors.
Mr. Richards stated now the Public has the right and the opportunity to comment on any item from the previous meeting minutes. None were forthcoming.
Mr. Richards stated everyone had copies of the January 3,2023 regular and reorganization meetings. He asked all Board members to read the minutes. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Senft made the motion, second by Mr. Schrader. With all in favor, motion passed.
After discussion, Mr. Richards stated the Treasurers Report was accepted as read. The General Account Fund showed revenues received totaling $40,850.97, expenditures of $ 111,024.86(check # 32868 to #32893) and a balance of $742,668.49. The Street Light Account Fund showed revenues received of $2,367.75 and expenditures of $304.63(check #1639 to #1640) and a balance of $13,451.67. The Fire Protection and Fire Hydrant Fund showed revenues received for the hydrants of $708.75 and protection of $1,672.68 and expenditures of $0.00(check #--) and a balance of $23,950.40. The State Liquid Fuels Account Fund showed revenues of $0.00 in interest, and expenditures of $0.00(check#--) leaving a balance of $90,907.06. The American Rescue Plan Account showed revenues of $0.00in revenues in interest, and expenditures of $0.00(check#--) leaving a balance of $180,436.26.
CORRESPONDENCE: 2023 Bid and Quote Limit Thresholds.
Adams Township Volunteer Fire Company #2 schedule of events; Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve Adams Township Volunteer Fire Company #2 tentative schedule of events. Mr. Bucci made the motion, second by Mr. Senft. With all in favor, motion passed.
OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Richards asked if the Board had any old business they would like to discuss. None was forthcoming.
Payment of the Bills: Mr. Richards stated all Board Members have a copy of the bills presented for payment totaling $78,803.61 and asked them to take a few minutes to review the bills before calling for a motion to approve payment of the bills. Mr. Gdula made the motion to pay all bills. Mr. Senft seconded this motion. With all in favor, motion passed.
Thebillsareasfollows:GENERALFUND:Am.Legal…..152.04,BarclayElec…96.00,BluesFire….465.00,B.SmithLaw….280.00,CambriaSpring….766.79,Cintas…47.77,CrystalPure…42.80,DeGol….2,982.26D.Bailey…30.00,E.Pentrack…30.00,Galls….112.99,Gleason,Barbin…..3,188.38,GoodTire…2,385.00,GrannasBros..2,505.31,H.Bodolosky…30.00,JBerkey…..170.00,J.Cordek…20.00,J.Nibert….30.00,TribuneDemocrat…434.68,J.Baker…30.00,Keystone….1,696.22,KimballMidwest…124.90,L/BWater….133.35,LaurelHighlandsConstr…..101.80,LongBarn…..740.90,LutherPMiller…5,890.67,Moonlighters…29,047.84,NAPAAuto….26.14,Palyocsik….14.97,P.Mulcahy….30.00,Penelec…1,002.03,PAOneCall…32.34,P.Helsel…30.00,PitneyBowesGlobal….202.89,PitneyBowesPurchasePower….100.00,R.Cortese….30.00,RelianceStandard….792.92,R.Webb…30.00,R.Lehman….30.00,R.Young….30.00,Samco….3,031.00,S.Grow….150.00,Sporys….20.00,Staples…104.96,StephensonEquip…2,056.08,S.Paluch…30.00,SherwinWilliams….619.81,Trapuzzanos…483.00,UPMC….80.00,VISA….1,164.90,Verizon…..269.22,W.BMason….94.61,W.Webb…..20.00,WatsonIns….1,283.00,W.Seese….20.00 The State Liquid Fuels Fund:AmericanRockSalt…6,046.36,GrannasBros….2,480.95. The StreetLightAccountFund: Penelec3,995.17, AT Gen Fund…71.03, REA….114.00. The Fire Hydrant and Protection Fund: Southwest Water Authority….1,352.09, AT General Fund….50.18, AT General Fund…21.26. The American Rescue Plan Account Fund: None.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve participation in DGS Costars Statewide Contract for Sodium Chloride for 2023-2024. Mr. Senft made the motion, second by Mr. Gdula. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve road bond for Nolo Ridge Forest Products for Seesetown Road in the amount of $8,750.00. Mr. Senft made the motion, second by Mr. Gdula. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve Justin Chestnutwood’s resignation as Recording Secretary for Planning Commission. Mr. Bucci made the motion, second by Mr. Schrader. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve road bond for Naugle Drive for Pine Ridge Forest Products in the amount of 2,500.00. After short discussion about location, Mr. Gdula made the motion, second by Mr. Senft to approve. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked if there was any other new business. Mr. Bucci brought about having a meeting between the supervisors, building codes, and our police about various issues including property maintenance complaints /getting identifiers, and zoning and building permitting. He said hopefully this can resolve some issues and we can get a plan together going forward; have meeting with them before next supervisors meeting. Discussion occurred about county judge requiring the identifiers,Mr. Barbin asked to be included in meeting as solicitor. He explained about the identifiers, filing civilly vs criminally.
Mr. Gdula brought up that he had been approached about discounted rate on AED after the Hamlin incident. He said it is through Portage Ambulance; company is offering them at half price at $ 1,500 regularly $4,000 to sporting places like little league fields, golf courses. He was asked by Ms. Kinley if we would be interested in purchasing one for the Adams Township Little League Field; he mentioned it being busier there as the Little League is adding lights. Mr. Richards asked for motion to amend the agenda to include purchase of AED; reason being it not being known about until today. Mr. Schrader made the motion, second by Mr. Bucci. With all in favor, motion passed. Mr. Richards then asked for a motion to approve purchase of AED for Little League at discounted price of $1,500.00. Mr. Senft made the motion, second by Mr. Bucci. With all in favor, motion passed.
PUBLIC GENERAL COMMENT PERIOD: Mr. Percy Helsel, planning commission member about some permitting/zoning issues; no power to do anything; one of the supervisors asked doesn’t representative from codes attend planning meetings; Mr.Cortese , other planning member said representative from codes usually goes to planning meeting; no one has been at last couple. Mr. Bucci said these issues fall under what we were talking about earlier; can be discussed at meeting with codes. Short discussion occurred about violations, permitting checklist, staffing issues,etc.. Mr.Helsel and Mr.Cortese asked that they and Mr. Young Planning Chairman be notified of the meeting when scheduled. It was decided that the Secretary would contact building codes and schedule a meeting.
Mr. Richards stated with no other township business to conduct he would entertain a motion to adjourn. Mr. Senft made the motion, second by Mr. Schrader. With all in favor, motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 5:19PM.
Respectfully Submitted: Jennifer Zakraysek, Secretary-Treasurer