Regular Board Meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Dennis Richards called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. in the conference room of the Adams Township Municipal Building. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all prese III. ATTENDANCE: Those in attendance were Supervisors Dennis Richards, Dennis Gdula, Brian Schrader, Anthony Christ, Joseph Slonac; William Barbin, Solicitor; Diana Baxter, Secretary, and five (05) visitors. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD FOR AGENDA ITEMS AND PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Mr. Richards stated at this time the Public has the right and the opportunity to comment on any item from the previous meeting minutes. No comments or questions. V. MINUTES: Mr. Richards stated everyone had a copy of the September 12, 2016 meeting. He asked all Board members to read the minutes. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the minutes presented. Mr. Gdula made the motion to accept the minutes, Mr. Christ seconds this motion. With all in favor, motion passed. VI. TREASURER’S REPORT: Mr. Richards asked for the approval of the Treasurers Report in written form. The General Account Fund showed revenues received totaling $30,818.57, expenditures of $120,800.50 (Check #28315 to #28360) and a balance of $473,243.81. The Street Light Account Fund showed revenues of $472.50, expenditures of $4,724.76 (Check #1369 to #1370) and a balance of $35,204.73. The Fire Protection Account Fund showed revenues of $136.50 (hydrants) and $203.53 (Fire Protection), expenditures of $737.22 (Check #1106 to #1108) and a balance of $8,668.88. The State Liquid Fuels Account Fund showed interest of $0.00 and expenditures of $185,606.36 (check #769) leaving a balance of $205,594.93. VII. CORRESPONDENCE: A letter from St. Michael Catholic Church regarding the Fall WPA Road Clean up on Saturday, October 22, 2016 starting at 10:00 A.M. Discussion: Mr. Gdula stated they will work with the Clean Up effort. II. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Richards asked for a discussion on the findings from the inspection of Janet Howell’s weeds in St. Michael. Mr. Gdula stated they looked at the weeds and there was a strip of high grass and weeds that were between the two properties. Mr. Christ made a motion to withdrawal the complaint against Ms. Howell. Mr. Slonac second this motion. With all in favor, motion passed. Mr. Richards asked if the Board had any other old business they would like to discuss. None is forthcoming. IX. NEW BUSINESS Payment of the Bills: Mr. Richards stated all Board Members have a copy of the bills presented for payment totaling $184,489.99 to take a few minutes to review the bill before calling for a motion to approve payment of the bills. Mr. Christ made the motion to pay all bills, Mr. Schrader seconds this motion. With all in favor, motion passed. The bills are as follows for the General, Fire, Street Light and State Accounts: GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT: CCATO…25.00, Advanced Office…226.39, American Legal…195.48, AmeriHealth…4621.70, CVMH…117.00, D. Knepper…30.00, DeLage…80.59, D. Bailey…30.00, R. Richards…44.00, E. Smay…30.00, FHSD…293.90, Galls…98.24, Grannas…412.50, HRI…4177.90, J. Cummings…30.00, Tribune…242.50, J. Slonac…119.00, Nationwide…747.76, S. Grow…150.00, Trapuzzanos…296.00, Verizon Wireless…474.60, Walsh…57.58, Watson…633.00, Witmer…1124.00, B. Barbin…1230.30. STREET LIGHT ACCOUNT: REA…113.40. FIRE PROTECTION ACCOUNT: None. STATE LIQUID FUELS ACCOUNT: Russell Standard Corp…$170,144.45. Mr. Richards stated Halloween will be held on October 31, 2016 from the hours of 6pm to 8pm. Please turn your outside lights on if you want to participate. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the subdivision plan for Arthur Keiper as approved by the Planning Commission on September 7 and the Zoning Hearing Board on September 15, 2016. Mr. Gdula made the motion, second by Mr. Slonac. With all in favor, motion passed. Mr. Richards stated the Board will start the budgeting process for the 2017 General Fund and State Liquid Fuels Budget the month of October. Mr. Richards stated the County Association of Township Officials will hold their fall convention on Friday, October 7, 2016 starting at 4:00pm. The supervisors, secretary, auditors and real estate collector are invited to attend. Mr. Slonac and Mr. Richards will represent Adams Township. Mr. Schrader asked about Trick or Treat being on a Monday instead of a Thursday. Mr. Gdula stated the road projects are completed and felt the contractors did a good job. He also informed the Board about the school bus blowing a hose and having the oil spill on Palestine Road. He has been in contact with the Bus Contractor and their insurance agent. Mr. Gdula stated Russell Standard was to have the seal coat project completed by September 1, 2016 but they didn’t start until September 7 and finished on September 15, 2016. Discussion occurred on this and Mr. Richards asked for a motion to deduct from the Russell Standard bill the amount of $13,500.00 for the liquid damages incurred according to the contract that this project was not completed by the September 01, 2016 date. Mr. Christ made the motion, second by Mr. Slonac. With all in favor, motion passed. Mr. Gdula stated he called the contractor numerous times starting August 1, 2016. Mr. Richards asked for any other new business. None was forthcoming. X. PUBLIC GENERAL COMMENT PERIOD Mrs. Alice Debevits discussed two issues with the Board. One was the condition of two properties near her and the junk in the yard, high grass, weeds and sumac trees covering the property and people parking in the middle of the road way and speeding on Mine 42 Road. Mr. Christ will inform the police to do more patrols in Mine 42. XI. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Richards stated with no further township business to conduct he would entertain a motion to adjourn. Mr. Slonac made the motion to adjourn and Mr. Gdula second this motion. With all in favor, motion passed and meeting adjourned at 5:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted by: Diana Baxter, Secretary-Treasurer ADAMS TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
REGULAR MEETING September 12, 2016 I. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Dennis Richards called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. in the conference room of the Adams Township Municipal Building. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present. III. ATTENDANCE: Those in attendance were Supervisors Dennis Richards, Dennis Gdula, Brian Schrader, Joseph Slonac; William Barbin, Solicitor; Diana Baxter, Secretary, and three (03) visitors. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD FOR AGENDA ITEMS AND PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Mr. Richards stated at this time the Public has the right and the opportunity to comment on any item from the previous meeting minutes. No comments or questions. V. MINUTES: Mr. Richards stated everyone had a copy of the August 15, 2016 meeting. He asked all Board members to read the minutes. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the minutes presented. Mr. Gdula made the motion to accept the minutes, Mr. Slonac seconds this motion. With all in favor, motion passed. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the Special Meeting Minutes held on August 19, 2016 for the purpose of hiring a new part time police officer. Mr. Gdula made the motion, second by Mr. Schrader. With all in favor, motion passed. VI. TREASURER’S REPORT: Mr. Richards asked for the approval of the Treasurers Report in written form. The General Account Fund showed revenues received totaling $98,113.91, expenditures of $132,963.21 (Check #28262 to #28314) and a balance of $563,225.74. The Street Light Account Fund showed revenues of $0.00, expenditures of $4,830.82 (Check #1366 to #1368) and a balance of $39,456.99. The Fire Protection Account Fund showed revenues of $0.00 (hydrants) and $0.00 (Fire Protection), expenditures of $737.49 (Check #1103 to #1105) and a balance of $9,066.07. The State Liquid Fuels Account Fund showed interest of $186.02 and expenditures of $0.00 (check #---) leaving a balance of $391,201.29. VII. CORRESPONDENCE: A letter from President Judge Krumenacker, III regarding a forum on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 on the challenges facing our communities. Discussion: The whole Board will be attending this forum. II. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve Ordinance 110A adopting the Master Plan for the Adams Township Police Pension Plan. Mr. Slonac made the motion, second by Mr. Gdula. With all in favor, motion passed. Mr. Richards asked if the Board had any other old business they would like to discuss. None is forthcoming. IX. NEW BUSINESS Payment of the Bills: Mr. Richards stated all Board Members have a copy of the bills presented for payment totaling $96,802.40 to take a few minutes to review the bill before calling for a motion to approve payment of the bills. Mr. Gdula made the motion to pay all bills, Mr. Schrader seconds this motion. With all in favor, motion passed. The bills are as follows for the General, Fire, Street Light and State Accounts: GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT: J. Rachael…605.37, ATWA…54.00, AmeriHealth…4621.70, CCBC…848.19, CCSEO…192.00, Cernics…275.00, Comcast…415.50, Crystal Pure…89.80, Cumberland Truck…178.28, EADS Group…, E. Pentrack…30.00, Federal Safety…298.50, Fisher…47.02, FHMA…105.00, FWF Ins….7360.00, Grannas…19,000.00, HRI…8513.60, J. Ritko…30.00, Tribune…162.50, Krouse…618.72, L/B Water…62.45, Long Barn…30.20, Lowes…27.64, LP Miller…1823.54, M. Bucci…30.00, Memorial Highway…47.40, Nationwide…245.00, New Enterprise…1259.46, Palyocsik…29.98, P. Webb…35.00, Penelec…733.45, PA One…39.56, R. Cortese…30.00, Ray’s…75.09, , R. Webb…30.00, Stinemans…7.62, Summit…7808.04, Teamsters…13663.10, The EADS…971.30, Tire Shop…16.50, Tri County…1508.05, US Cleaning…583.00, Verizon…211.07, Visa…738.87, WB Mason…79.75, Walsh…1270.52. STREET LIGHT ACCOUNT: Penelec…4,710.59, J. Rachael…14.17. FIRE PROTECTION ACCOUNT: HSWA…727.03, J. Rachael…14.17. STATE LIQUID FUELS ACCOUNT: Grannas Bros….185,606.59. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the MMO’s for 2017 for the Police Pension at $12,723.00 and the Non-uniform Pension at $22,300.00. Mr. Slonac made the motion, second by Mr. Gdula. With all in favor, motion passed. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the land Merger plan Sheldon Wissinger from Daniel Theys as approved by the Planning Commission on September 7, 2016. Mr. Gdula made the motion, second by Mr. Slonac. With all in favor, motion passed. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the Subdivision plan amendment for Stephen and Joan Landgrebe’s as approved by the Planning Commission on September 7, 2016 with the added wording that this plan is a adjouring lot merger. Mr. Slonac made the motion, second by Mr. Schrader. With all in favor, motion passed. Mr. Richards asked for any other new business. None was forthcoming. X. PUBLIC GENERAL COMMENT PERIOD Mrs. Amy Dobbins addressed the Board representing Mrs. Janet Howell regarding the property maintenance notice she received and the desire to appeal this notice. A discussion occurred on this matter and the board will have Mr. Gdula and Andrew from the Building Codes to look at the area in question and answer Ms. Howell at the next meeting. Mr. Bob Heider addressed the Board on the fact since the road was paved the water is now running into his yard. Discussion occurred on this and Mr. Gdula will look at this and fix the situation. Mr. Joe Orsaugas asked the Board what to do about neighbor’s dog going to the bathroom in his yard. He was told to call to Dog Catcher. XI. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Richards stated with no further township business to conduct he would entertain a motion to adjourn. Mr. Gdula made the motion to adjourn and Mr. Slonac second this motion. With all in favor, motion passed and meeting adjourned at 5:27 P.M. Respectfully submitted by: Diana Baxter, Secretary-Treasurer |