May 20, 2013
Chairman Dennis Richards called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. in the conference room of the Adams Township Municipal Building.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present.
Those in attendance were Supervisors Dennis Richards, Roy Hoffman, Dennis Gdula, William Smith, Anthony Christ; William Barbin, Solicitor; Diana Baxter, Secretary; and two (2) visitors.
IV. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD FOR AGENDA ITEMS AND PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Mr. Richards stated at this time the Public has the right and the opportunity to comment on any item from the previous meeting minutes.
Mr. Richards stated everyone had a copy of the May 06, 2013 meeting. He asked all Board members to read the minutes. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the minutes presented. Mr. Smith made the motion to accept the minutes, Mr. Gdula seconds this motion. With all members in favor, motion passed and the minutes were approved.
Mr. Richards asked for the reading of the Treasurers Report. The General Account Fund showed revenues received totaling $82,008.24, expenditures of $99,065.11 (Check #25936 to #25980) and a balance of $696,503.94. The Street Light Account Fund showed revenues of $6,576.30, expenditures of $4,003.68 (Check #1230) and a balance of $40,984.88. The Fire Protection Account Fund showed revenues of $1,599.00, expenditures of $0.00 (Check #---) and a balance of $35,532.27. The State Liquid Fuels Account Fund showed interest of $112.69 and $0.00 in expenditures leaving a balance of $208,960.57. Mr. Richards stated the Treasurers Report was received as read.
A letter from Cambria County Redevelopment Authority regarding 2013 Community Development Block Grant Program and Adams Township being awarded $94,706.00 for 2013. Discussion: Mr. Smith asked about Villa Road Bridge and when it was on the time line for replacement. The one year plan proposed replacement of the dilapidated vehicular bridge and construct other street improvements on Villa Road and to prepare an engineered feasibility study for storm water management in the Village of St. Michael. That is slated for 2013.
Mr. Richards asked if the Board had any old business they would like to discuss. Mr. Smith stated he received a call from the County Commissioners and the County Planning
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Commission has reduced the cost of subdivision review to for a single subdivision the cost is $65.00 and 2-3 lot subdivision is $100.00.
Payment of the Bills: Mr. Richards stated all Board Members have a copy of the bills presented for payment totaling $57,349 for the General, State, Fire and Street Light accounts. Mr. Richards asked the Board to take a few minutes to review the bill before calling for a motion to approve payment of the bills. Mr. Smith made the motion to pay all bills, second by Mr. Christ. With all in favor, motion passed. The bills are as follows for the General, Fire, Street Light and State Accounts: GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT: J. Rachael…6825.85, Barclay…1626.79, Chemung…4,053.85, Comcast…559.67, Cumberland Truck…456.84, D. Knepper…90.00, D. Bailey…90.00, E. Smay…90.00, FWF…17031.00, Harleysville…605.76, J&J Truck…16,340.00, J. Cummings…90.00, Tribune…127.50, Laurel Ford…171.28, Palyocsik…20.95, Penelec…524.43, R&J Gulf…948.20, Richland Plastics…15.00, Sporys…6.25, Eads Group…1081.44, Trapuzzanos…18.00, Verizon…260.64, Verizon Wireless…168.03, Walsh…4001.99.. FIRE PROECTION ACCOUNT: HSWA…727.03, J. Rachael…256.07. STREET LIGHT ACCOUNT: REA…108.00, J. Rachael…1054.43. STATE LIQUID FUELS ACCOUNT: None.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the resolution to Restor Glass-Steagall, PA HR 73 as requested by the LaRouche Political Action Committee. Mr. Smith made the motion, second by Mr. Gdula. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked discussion on placing another post to the sign at the entrance to our building to add more signs and give greater visibility. Mr. Christ made the motion, second by Mr. Smith. With all in favor, motion passed. A building permit is required for this.
Mr. Smith asked for a discussion on purchasing a lawn mower and snow blower for use on Municipal properties. Mr. Hoffman stated he received various prices for these items. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to purchase a walk behind snow blower for the township. Mr. Christ made the motion, second by Mr. Smith. With all in favor, motion passed. A discussion ensued on the purchase of a diesel lawn mower. Mr. Smith felt the cost was too much money and too big of a lawn mower. Mr. Richards made a motion to purchase a Kubota 0-turn riding lawn mower. Mr. Gdula suggested they look around for a used riding lawnmower. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to table any decision on this and to look for a 2 wheel drive riding lawn mower. Mr. Smith made the motion, second by Mr. Christ. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Hoffman asked what the Board wants to do with the front of the building. Mr. Christ wants the area that is dug out to be replaced with black top and repair the shingles. Mr. Richards suggested doing the sidewalks this year and work on the front of the building next year. Mr. Gdula stated we need to get a price on the concrete it would take to do the sidewalks and contact someone, possibly RJ Young, to see what can be done with the front of the building. He made that motion and Mr. Smith second the motion. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Smith asked when the road project bids would be opened. It was stated June 10th meeting.
Mr. Richards asked if there was any other new business to be brought before the Board.
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No public comment.
Mr. Richards stated with no further township business to conduct he would entertain a motion to adjourn. Mr. Gdula made the motion, second by Mr. Smith. With all in favor, motion passed and meeting adjourned at 5:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by:
Diana Baxter