January 13, 2014
Chairman Dennis Richards called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. in the conference
room of the Adams Township Municipal Building.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present.
Those in attendance were Supervisors Dennis Richards, Dennis Gdula, Anthony
Christ, William Smith, and Roy Hoffman; William Barbin, Solicitor; Diana Baxter, Secretary;
and seven (7) residents.
Mr. Richards stated at this time the Public has the right and the opportunity to
comment on any item from the previous meeting minutes.
Mr. Richards stated everyone had a copy of the December 16, 2013 meeting. He
asked all Board members to read the minutes. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve
the minutes presented. Mr. Smith made the motion to accept the minutes, Mr. Gdula seconds
this motion. With all members in favor, motion passed and the minutes were approved.
Mr. Richards asked for the reading of the Treasurers Report. The General Account
Fund showed revenues received totaling $45,202.05, expenditures of $79,983.53 (Check
#26366 to #26463) and a balance of $440,316.39. The Street Light Account Fund showed
revenues of $1,795.50, expenditures of $3,866.16 (Check #1254to #1256) and a balance of
$19,026.73. The Fire Protection Account Fund showed revenues of $451.50, expenditures
of $727.98 (Check #1018 to #1019) and a balance of $24,998.14. The State Liquid Fuels
Account Fund showed interest of $15.04 and expenditures of $13,520.38 (check #759)
leaving a balance of $33,034.15. Mr. Richards stated the Treasurers Report was received as
A letter was read from Adams Township Planning Commission requesting a raise
in monthly pay for members of the Commission and Recording Secretary for 2014.
Discussion: Mr. Richards stated the budget is already set. Mr. Smith made a motion to
grant the requested raise from $20.00 to $30.00 for members and $25.00 to $35.00 for the
recording secretary for 2014, second by Mr. Gdula. With all in favor, motion passed.
A letter was read from John Pencze, PennDOT District 9-0, regarding raise in State Liquid
Fuels allocation for 2014 going to $216,880.00 instead of previously stated. Discussion:
A letter from Cambria County EMS regarding NIMS compliance class being held on
February 25, 26 and 27, 2014. Discussion: Mr. Gdula will contact EMS to find out about
January 13, 2014
A letter from Cambria County Building Codes regarding attending the February 20
meeting to discuss the Boards concerns and notification of withdrawal. Discussion: None
A letter from Rosebud Mining Company was read regarding the St. Michael Water
Treatment Plant Slurry Line. Discussion: Mr. Richards asked for a motion to send a letter
of support for this project. Mr. Hoffman made the motion, second by Mr. Christ. With all in
favor, motion passed.
A letter from Adams Township Water Authority was read regarding the waterline
extension for the Pleasant View Mobile Home Park. Discussion: Mr. Smith made a motion
to agree to 1/3 cot not to exceed after we see the total project costs. Discussion occurred
on this motion and Mr. Smith withdrew his motion. Mr. Richards stated the Board will
send a letter to the water authority requesting the total cost of the project before any
commitment is made.
Mr. Richards asked if the Board had any old business they would like to discuss.
None was forth coming.
Payment of the Bills: Mr. Richards stated all Board Members have a copy of the bills
presented for payment totaling $68,484.34 to take a few minutes to review the bill before
calling for a motion to approve payment of the bills. Mr. Gdula made the motion to pay all
bills, Mr. Smith seconds this motion. With all in favor, motion passed. The bills are as
follows for the General, Fire, Street Light and State Accounts: GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT:
J. Rachael…638.91, Adams Water…54.00, Advanced Office…402.88, Anderson
Equipt…344.52, Barclay…39.00, Chemung…198.64, Comcast…393.35, CVMH…112.75,
Crystal Pure…45.30, Cumberland Truck…194.14, DeLage…81.16, D. Richards…80.00,
Ebensburg Office…307.46, E. Pentrack…30.00, FHMA…105.00, F. Brown…8000.00,
Freedom…69.00, Harleysville…599.02, J. Zakraysek…30.00, JMA…688.76, Tribune…172.50,
LPMiller…7066.12, M.Bucci…30.00, P. Webb…35.00, Penelec…920.28, PA Chiefs…125.00, PA
One…11.05, PSATS UC…66.98, R&J Gulf…2155.52, R. Webb…30.00, R. Rickley…30.00, R.
Young…30.00, Sporting Goods…741.10, Summit Bank…2515.34, Teamsters…10576.00,
EADS…653.43, Tractor Supply…6.99, Trapuzzanos…687.48, US Cleaning…588.00,
Verizon…40.55, Verizon Wireless…172.25, V. Zangaglia…250.00, McQuaides…40.00,
Walmart…157.26, W. Barbin…1997.25, Yeagers…156.00. FIRE PROECTION ACCOUNT:
HSWA…727.03, J. Rachael….13.55. STREET LIGHT ACCOUNT: REA…108.00 J.
Rachael…53.87, Penelec…3918.73. STATE LIQUID FUELS ACCOUNT: American Rock
Salt…14268.33, Grannas…7725.81.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the Costars State Salt bid for 2014-2015
at 600 tons. Motion was made by Mr. Hoffman, second by Mr. Christ. With all in favor,
motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the Berwind land merger plan as
approved by the Planning Commission on January 8, 2014 pending the plan illustrates the
parcel acreage data and notes stating the proposed combined acreage. Mr. Gdula made the
motion, second by Mr. Smith. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked for any other new business. None was forthcoming.
January 13, 2014
Mr. Scott Lowry stated he lives at 2398 Centennial Drive and his neighbor is
diverting water on to his property. A discussion occurred between the Board, Mr. Barbin
and Mr. Lowry regarding this matter. The Township will look and see what can be done to
stop this problem.
Mr. Keith Gindlesberger representing the Forest Hills School District addressed the
board requesting Adams Township to waive their building permit fee and also Cambria
County Building permit fee. Mr. Richards stated research was done on the various school
districts that have constructed new buildings and none were waived by the Municipalities.
Mr. Gindlesberger asked for consideration in asking the Codes to reduce the cost to the
lower rate from the higher rate they can charge. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to send a
letter to the Codes office asking them to consider reducing the cost to the lower rate for the
permit fee. Mr. Christ made the motion, second by Mr. Smith. With all in favor, motion
Mr. Richards stated with no further township business to conduct he would
entertain a motion to adjourn. Mr. Smith made the motion to adjourn and Mr. Christ second
this motion. With all in favor, motion passed and meeting adjourned at 5:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by:
Diana Baxter