January 12, 2015
Chairman Dennis Richards called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. in the conference
room of the Adams Township Municipal Building.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present.
Those in attendance were Supervisors Dennis Richards, Dennis Gdula, Anthony
Christ, Roy Hoffman, Bill Smith; William Barbin, Solicitor; Diana Baxter, Secretary; Steve
Sewalk, The EADS Group; two (2) residents.
Mr. Richards stated at this time the Public has the right and the opportunity to
comment on any item from the previous meeting minutes. No comments or questions.
Mr. Richards stated everyone had a copy of the December 22, 2014 meeting. He
asked all Board members to read the minutes. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve
the minutes presented. Mr. Smith made the motion to accept the minutes, Mr. Hoffman
seconds this motion. With all members in favor, motion passed and the minutes were
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to accept the Reorganizational meeting minutes
held January 5, 2015. Motion to accept made by Mr. Smith and second by Mr. Hoffman.
With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked for the reading of the Treasurers Report. The General Account Fund
showed revenues received totaling $30,506.91, expenditures of $39,702.81 (Check #27144
to #27165) and a balance of $386,572.73. The Street Light Account Fund showed revenues
of $1,890.00, expenditures of $216.38 (Check #1299 to #1300) and a balance of $29,542.99.
The Fire Protection Account Fund showed revenues of $472.50, expenditures of $728.61
(Check #1044 to #1045) and a balance of $8,159.64. The State Liquid Fuels Account Fund
showed interest of $20.60 and expenditures of $0.00 (check #---) leaving a balance of
$48,328.44. Mr. Richards stated the treasurer’s report was received as read.
A letter from Jennifer Zakraysek resigning her position as Adams Township Auditor
effective January 7, 2015. Discussion: Mr. Hoffman made a motion to accept her
resignation, second by Mr. Christ. With all in favor, motion passed.
A letter from the Sons of the American Legion, Post 573 Dunlo breaking the lease
agreement as of January 1, 2015. Mr. Smith made a motion to accept the cancellation of the
lease between the Sons of the American Legion and Adams Township. Mr. Gdula seconds
this motion. With all in favor, motion passed.
A letter from Beaverdale sportsman association regarding seeing about Dirt and Gravel
Road program for the Old Bedford Pike Extension and Mine 42 Road. Discussion: Mr.
Richards stated a section of this roadway was used for the Dirt and Gravel Roads program.
Mr. Gdula stated he will call Cambria County Conservation and talk with Bobbi and see what
Mr. Richards asked if the Board had any old business they would like to discuss.
Payment of the Bills: Mr. Richards stated all Board Members have a copy of the bills
presented for payment totaling $48,184.95 to take a few minutes to review the bill before
calling for a motion to approve payment of the bills. Mr. Smith made the motion to pay all
bills, Mr. Gdula seconds this motion. With all in favor, motion passed. The bills are as
follows for the General, Fire, Street Light and State Accounts: GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT:
J. Rachael...408.65, Adams Water...54.00, Am. Rock Salt...10526.58, Barclay...29.00,
CCBC...55.00, Cm. Glass & Insulation...5245.00, Comcast...343.14, Cover...29.19,
Cumberland...39.8/0, DeLage...76.92, D. Deyarmin...30.00, Ebensburg Office...55.47, E.
Pentrack...30.00, Fisher Auto...132.05, FHMA...105.00, Groff...50.75, J. Zakraysek...30.00,
Tribune...37.50, Krouse...177.23, Long Barn...3558.66, Lowes...779.48, LPMiller...1763.55,
M. Bucci...30.00, Palyocsiks...125.93, P. Webb...35.00, Penelec...1039.48, PA One...17.00, R&J
Gulf...975.55, R. Webb...30.00, R. Young...30.00, Staples...812.46, Summit...2409.72,
Teamsters...11157.70, US Cleaning...583.00, VISA...7.99, Walsh...270.21, W.
Barbin...2412.49. FIRE PROECTION ACCOUNT: HSWA...727.03, J. Rachael...14.18.
STREET LIGHT ACCOUNT: Penelec...3652.05, REA...108.00, J. Rachael...56.70. STATE
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve Judy A. Gordon as Deputy Tax Collector
for Adams Township as required by Cambria County and State of Pennsylvania. Mr. Smith
made the motion, contingent upon the Bonding Company approving the Deputy Tax
Collector. Mr. Christ seconds this motion. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve a bid for Costars bulk salt for 2015-2016
in the amount of 600 ton with the condition that we must purchase at least 60% for Adams
Township. Mr. Christ made the motion, second by Mr. Smith. With all in favor, motion
Mr. Richards asked for any other new business. None was forthcoming.
Mr. Richards stated with no further township business to conduct he would
entertain a motion to adjourn. Mr. Gdula made the motion to adjourn and Mr. Smith second
this motion. With all in favor, motion passed and meeting adjourned at 5:13 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by:
Diana Baxter, Secretary-Treasurer