Chairman Dennis Richards called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. in the conference room of the Adams Township Municipal Building.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present.
Those in attendance were Supervisors Dennis Richards, Dennis Gdula, Brian Schrader, Joseph Slonac and Anthony Christ; William Barbin, Solicitor; Diana Baxter, Secretary; and eleven (11) visitors.
Mr. Richards stated at this time the Public has the right and the opportunity to comment on any item from the previous meeting minutes. No comments or questions.
Mr. Richards stated everyone had a copy of the April 18, 2016 meeting. He asked all Board members to read the minutes. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the minutes presented. Mr. Christ made the motion to accept the minutes, Mr. Gdula seconds this motion. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked for the reading of the Treasurers Report in written form. The General Account Fund showed revenues received totaling $276,306.27, expenditures of $91,893.14 (Check #28068 to #28108) and a balance of $739,734.50. The Street Light Account Fund showed revenues of $28,841.40, expenditures of $5,689.08 (Check #1352 to #1355) and a balance of $56,474.70. The Fire Protection Account Fund showed revenues of $7,905.20 (hydrants) and $28,073.05 (Fire Protection), expenditures of $1,138.72 (Check #1086 to #1088) and a balance of $56,377.71. The State Liquid Fuels Account Fund showed interest of $185.66 and expenditures of $0.00 (check #---) leaving a balance of $390,469.75.
One mail received from Cambria County Sewage Enforcement Agency regarding written complaint. The complaint is Eileen L. Armstrong (Brumbaugh Property on Forest Hills Drive). Ms. Sedlmeyer is requesting direction on this item. Discussion: Mr. Christ made a motion to investigate the complaint that Eileen Armstrong made on the sewage draining on to the Brumbaugh Property on Forest Hills Drive. Mr. Gdula second this motion, with all in favor, motion passed.
A letter from Tammy Eppley, 216 Seesetown Road, requesting some signs that should be erected regarding the dangerous curve and notification of their driveway being by the curve. Discussion: Mr. Gdula stated he has discussed the matter with Mrs. Eppley and the road crew will place signs Caution around the curve. Police Chief Moss is going to direct the police to sit in the vicinity also. Lines will be painted.
A letter from the EADS Group was read regarding Forest Hills Municipal Authority Beautyline WWTP. Discussion: Mr. Richards asked for a motion to complete the form and mail in to the EADS Group. Mr. Christ made the motion, second by Mr. Slonac. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked for a motion to award the contract to Altoona Contracting Excavating Demolition for the demolition of the house at 103 Huff Street, Dunlo. The cost of excavating is $2,800.00 and the township is responsible for the dumpsters, filling the foundation and seeding the property. Mr. Gdula made the motion, second by Mr. Christ. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked if the Board had any other old business they would like to discuss. None is forthcoming.
Payment of the Bills: Mr. Richards stated all Board Members have a copy of the bills presented for payment totaling $74,087.81 to take a few minutes to review the bill before calling for a motion to approve payment of the bills. Mr. Christ made the motion to pay all bills, Mr. Slonac seconds this motion. With all in favor, motion passed. The bills are as follows for the General, Fire, Street Light and State Accounts: GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT: Adams Water…54.00, Advanced Office…995.00, AmeriHealth…10252.40, A. Christ…40.92, CCSEA…312.50, Comcast…415.86, Crystal Pure…45.30, Cumberland…192.29, D. Richards…44.00, Ebensburg Office…137.55, E. Pentrack…30.00, Fisher…64.80, FHMA…105.00, FWF…7369.00, Galls…388.20, J. Ritko…30.00, James…5226.45, Jesco…45.38, JMA…2317.18, J. Slonac…119.00, Long Barn…81.45, LP Miller…2186.03, Memorial Highway…1396.20, Nationwide…532.25, ODB…421.08, Palyocsik…108.43, P. Webb…35.00, Penelec…780.37, PA One…39.36, Pitney Bowes…188.10, Portage Power…241.80, Postmaster…48.00, Rays…203.09, R. Webb…30.00, R. Young…30.00, R. Poborsky…30.00, Samco…287.00, Sporys…83.00, Stineman…12.78, Summit…8525.28, Teamsters…12421.00, The EADS…262.56, Hite…40.15, US Cleaning…828.00, VISA…427.82, W. Barbin…995.45, Wright…800.00, J. Rachael…7,169.68. STREET LIGHT ACCOUNT: Penelec…4645.45, REA…108.00, J. Rachael…981.67. FIRE PROTECTION ACCOUNT: Highland Sewer & Water…727.03, J. Rachael….1236.95. STATE LIQUID FUELS ACCOUNT: None.
Mr. Richards asked for a discussion on the road bond request for Old Bedford Pike for 2.3 miles from AM Logging, LLC. Mr. Gdula stated he looked at the road but felt the bridge needed the special bond. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to approve the road bond for AM Logging, LLC on Old Bedford Pike Road. Mr. Gdula made the motion, second by Mr. Christ. With all in favor, motion passed. Mr. Richards asked for a motion to require the bridge bond for this road as prepared by Mr. Barbin. Mr. Gdula made the motion, second by Mr. Christ. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr. Richards asked for any other new business. None was forthcoming.
Ms. Katie Respet addressed the board and asked to review the 9-1-1 calls made to the police department. It was explained Police Chief Moss will discuss these calls with her.
Mr. Dave Horner asked about the sewage complaints filed recently and what will occur. Mr. Barbin stated he is reviewing the situation and will advise the board. Mr. Horner also stated about the vehicles flying through the Oakridge Drive and Palestine Road intersection. The Police Commissioner stated the will inform the Chief of this matter.
Mr. John Roush talked about the 9-1-1 calls and also had the same question as Mr. Horner regarding the sewage complaint.
Mr. Andy Regal talked to the Board regarding getting information he needed.
Mr. David Nicodemus asked about the property maintenance code and stated his neighbor is creating a mess.
Mr. Richards stated with no further township business to conduct he would entertain a motion to adjourn. Mr. Gdula made the motion to adjourn and Mr. Christ second this motion. With all in favor, motion passed and meeting adjourned at 5:37 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by:
Diana Baxter, Secretary-Treasurer