Chairman Dennis Gdula called the regular meeting to order at 5:00 pm in the conference room of the Adams Township Municipal Building.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present.
Those in attendance were Supervisors Dennis Gdula, Dan Senft, Dennis Richards, Brian Schrader and Mark Bucci, Jennifer Zakraysek, Secretary-Treasurer, Solicitor William Barbin, and six (6) visitors.
Mr. Gdula stated now the Public has the right and the opportunity to comment on any item from the previous meeting minutes. None were forthcoming.
Mr. Gdula stated everyone had copies of the March 4,2024 regular meeting minutes. He asked all Board members to read the minutes. Mr. Gdula asked for a motion to approve the minutes as written. Mr. Richards made the motion, second by Mr. Bucci. With all in favor, motion passed.
After discussion, Mr. Gdula stated the Treasurers Report was accepted as read. The General Account Fund showed revenues received totaling $38,267.66, expenditures of $73,075.17(check # 33668 to #33692) and a balance of $538,229.49. The Street Light Account Fund showed revenues received of $2,802.80 and expenditures of $221.30(check #1688) and a balance of $10,391.66. The Fire Protection and Fire Hydrant Fund showed revenues received for the hydrants of $852.60 and protection of $7,394.62 and expenditures of $0.00(check #--) and a balance of $23,856.06. The State Liquid Fuels Account Fund showed revenues of $0.00 in interest, and expenditures of $3,125.43(check#839) leaving a balance of $397,934.34. The American Rescue Plan Account showed revenues of $0.00 in revenues in interest, and expenditures of $155.00(check#046) leaving a balance of $42,772.84.
OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Gdula asked if the Board had any old business they would like to discuss. None was forthcoming.
Payment of the Bills: Mr. Gdula stated all Board Members have a copy of the bills presented for payment totaling $16,047.96 and asked them to take a few minutes to review the bills before calling for a motion to approve payment of the bills. Mr. Bucci made the motion to pay all bills. Mr. Senft seconded this motion. With rest in favor, motion passed.
The bills are as follows:GENERALFUND: AT&T…….50.87,Bergeys….3.99,CambriaCtyBldgCodes…55.00,Chemung…1,539.00,Cintas….88.39,Comcast….528.34,CMS….524.10,D.Heisers…96.00,D.Richards….123.50,E.Pentrack…60.00,Highmark…278.25,J.Nibert…60.00,Keystone….1,111.28,LutherPMiller….579.66,NAPA….209.00,Palyocsik…37.02,Penelec…969.89,PAOneCall….18.24,P.Helsel….60.00,PortageAmbulanceAssoc…100.00,R.Cortese….60.00,R.Rusnak…80.00,RelianceStandard…864.65,R.Webb…..60.00,R.Young…60.00,1StSummit…676.31ThomasAuto…221.10,Verizon…160.04,VISA….476.81.The State LiquidFuelsFund: None. The StreetLightAccountFund:REA….127.60, Penelec…5,136.30, ATGeneralFund…84.08. The Fire Hydrant and Protection Fund: Highland….1,467.04, ATGeneralFund…55.65, ATGeneralFund…25.85. The American Rescue Plan Account Fund: None.
Mr.Gdula asked for a motion to approve Warren Subdivision as approved by Planning Commission. Mr. Bucci made the motion, second by Mr.Senft. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr.Gdula asked for a motion to approve Gualardo/Mehall Subdivision/Merge contingent upon receiving water and sewer letters as approved by Planning Commission (have received so plan is okay to approve). Mr. Richards made the motion, second by Mr. Bucci. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr.Gdula asked for a motion to approve leasing street sweeper in May from May 6th to May 17th,2024. Mr. Schrader made the motion, second by Mr.Senft. With all in favor, motion passed.
Mr.Gdula asked for a motion to accept Officer Braedon Fatula’s resignation effective 03-20-2024. Mr. Bucci made the motion, second by Mr. Schrader. With all in favor, motion passed.
Discussion and motion to donate amount for CPR class to Portage Ambulance taught by Jean Kinley. Mr.Gdula said the road crew attended CPR class last week in conjunction with the FHMA sewer authority taught by Jean Kinley. Mr.Gdula said us and sewer authority decide to donate amount for attending class; Mr.Gdula said usually fees for such a class are $25 per person. Mr. Richards suggested $100.00 donation. Mr.Gdula asked for motion to donate $100.00 for CPR class taught by Jean Kinley to Portage Area Ambulance Association. Mr. Richards made the motion, second by Mr. Schrader. With all in favor, motion passed.
Discussion on Zoning Hearing fees, and solar ordinance Planning Commission is working on. Mr.Gdula suggested that Board stay after the meeting to discuss these two items. He said as far as the zoning hearing fees, we can look at cost workup secretary provided as what we charge now does not cover our costs; then put on motion for next meeting after discussion on fee amounts.
PUBLIC GENERAL COMMENT PERIOD: Mr.Tom Fondelier of Post Street; first he inquired about the Baxendale house where fire was. Mr.Gdula told him a demo permit was applied for and codes would issue demo permit; L and M Excavating supposedly ones doing demo this week or next week. Mr. Fondelier also brought up that trucks are using Post Street; said not sure why they don’t use 219 then get off and come other way on Mt Airy Drive. Mr.Senft said he had sent police there once before about this. Mr. Schrader suggested no trucks sign. Mr.Gdula said that a lot of those trucker’s punch in route in GPS and just follow route as for why it may be taking them that way. Board discussed; Mr.Gdula said road crew can put no trucks sign at both ends of street. Lastly, Mr. Fondelier said when PennDOT did that intersection; they put in new storm sewer but still left old one. He said one is collapsing/deteriorating, if nothing is done will get worse. Mr.Gdula asked if it is an original PennDOT storm sewer;( Mr. Fondelier said it was) and was there prior then should contact PennDOT.
Mrs. Baker said a trampoline is in stream near her; she said it blew there; could be one of neighbors; is impeding flow. Mr.Barbin commented is whoever’s owns the trampoline responsibility to get out of there. Mr.Gdula asked which direction is it upstream from her? Mrs. Baker said yes. Mr.Gdula said Mr.Senft will go and look at it.
Mr. Gdula stated with no other township business to conduct he would entertain a motion to adjourn. Mr. Richards made the motion, second by Mr. Bucci. With all in favor, motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 5:09pm.
Respectfully Submitted: Jennifer Zakraysek, Secretary-Treasurer