PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present.
Present: Mr.Gdula,Mr.Richards, Mr. Schrader Mr. Senft ,Mr. Bucci, Supervisors; Jennifer Zakraysek, Secretary-Treasurer, and no visitors.
The purpose of meeting is to discuss and appoint a tax collector and any other matters that come before the board. The Board received two resumes, one from Wendy Ladika and one from Holly Bodolosky who are interested in being appointed as tax collector; they were interviewed earlier in the week and are township residents.
Mr. Bucci said that even though this is an appointment we are obligated to put right person in there as it is an important position. Mr. Richards said he had a question…the person is to fulfill the remainder of Jennifer Blanchetti’s term ; then they would need to be elected. Mr. Bucci said yes…remainder of term is two years; person would need to run for election to start new term in 2026. He said new person would need bonded and to take certification exam. Ms. Zakraysek and Mr.Gdula said that the county controller’s office had contacted the township about the exam person would need to take for the state and provided that information and that Infocon that prints off the tax bills/notices had also contacted the township inquiring about tax collector and asking about a new post office box for tax collector; saying that they were printing interim bills and the new person would have to put in flyer with notices with her contact information and where to remit. Mr.Gdula said looking at their resumes Ms. Ladika and Ms. Bodolosky both have college educations ;both have accounting experience/background. Mr. Schrader noted Ms.Ladika’s past work as a notary. Mr.Senft said he likes Ms. Ladika; Ms. Bodolosky has a lot on resume; both are good.Mr. Richards said do they both have offices at home ? Mr.Gdula said yes ,they did. Mr. Bucci said he feels Ms. Bodolosky would put 100% into it. Mr. Richards said both are good candidates; Ms. Bodolosky asked Ms. Blanchetti questions about position.; he will go with who Board wants for position. Board needs a quorum with three yeses. Mr. Bucci made a motion to appoint Holly Bodolosky as Adams Twp. Tax Collector, second by Mr. Richards. Mr.Gdula asked for a roll call for board then: Mr. Bucci: Yes; Mr. Schrader: No; Mr.Senft: No; Mr.Gdula: No; Mr. Richards: Yes. Roll was called; Motion failed for lack of quorum. Mr. Schrader made a motion to appoint Wendy Ladika as Adams Township Tax Collector. Mr.Gdula said let’s do a roll call again. Mr. Bucci: No, Mr.Schader: Yes; Mr.Senft: Yes; Mr.Gdula: Yes; Mr.Richards:Yes. With vote being 4 yeses, and 1 No, motion passed. Mr. Bucci said about getting Ms. Ladika bonded and tax certification exam done ; giving her time period. Mr.Gdula said the county has information about both things; they will be able to assist. Ms. Zakraysek said after Ms. Ladika takes exam ;can ask her to provide us with copy as Ms. Blanchetti had done. Mr.Gdula said those two things need done soon; but she needs to get post office box as soon as possible; so Infocon can have that information. Mr.Gdula said Ms. Zakraysek can contact Ms. Ladika concerning getting post office box as soon as possible and give her all needed information ,contact county offices to let them know , and either her or Ms. Ladika let Infocon know about PO box as soon as Ms. Ladika gets one.
Mr.Gdula asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Schrader made the motion to adjourn the special meeting, second by Mr. Senft. With all in favor, motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 9:27 AM.
Submitted by:
Jennifer Zakraysek, Secretary-Treasurer