1. Call to Order
  2. Meeting to be called to order at 7:30 pm. The following planning commission Board Members are to be determined to attend:
  3. Ron Young (RJ) – Chairman
  4. Rich Webb – Vice Chairman

iii. John Nibert

  1. Percy Helsel
  2. Randy Cortese
  3. Rick Lehman

vii. Ed Pentrack

  1. Zoning Officer – Representative from the CCBCEA d/b/a Laurel Municipal Inspection Agency- Melissa


  1. Previous Meeting Minutes to be reviewed and voted upon

Motion to approve – Percy

Seconded – John

All in favor; 0 opposed


III. Correspondence to be Reviewed:


  1. Adam’s Township Supervisors Meeting Minutes
  2. Letter from Fred Brown about the solar ordinance
  3. Subdivision submitted by Barbara Caroff
  4. Land merger submitted by JCL logging/ Barn Hollow Ranch LLC


  1. Visitors and Public Comments:


Mike Barton from Fred Browns office was in attendance to discuss and answer questions about the mapping of areas allowing solar farms in the Twp.



  1. Old Business and New Business:


  1. Old Business
  2. The Board continues to work on details for the solar ordinance focus on

the area where it is permitted. RJ recommends having a meeting with the

supervisors to discuss this matter.


  1. New Business
  2. Reorganization – A motion was made by Percy to keep the board as is


                       All in favor – 0 opposed Correspondence


  1. A motion to approve the Barbara Caroff subdivision


1st Randy 2nd Ed – All in favor – 0 opposed Correspondence ii


iii. A motion to approve the JCL logging / Barn Hollow Ranch LLC land

merger. 1st Randy 2nd Percy- All in favor – 0 opposed


  1. Zoning office report to be submitted by a representative from the CCBCEA d/b/a Laurel Municipal Inspection Agency, reviewed and voted upon


Adjournment at 8:05


Motion to approve: Randy

Seconded: Rich

All in favor – 0 opposed


Recent Meeting Minutes

  • February 10,2025 Adams Twp Supervisors Regular Meeting Minutes

    5 min read
  • January 27,2025 Adams Twp Supervisors Regular Meeting Minutes

    6 min read
  • January 8,2025 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

    1 min read